Volunteer Opportunities
Assist AVIS wardens on the reservations
- Help with work parties on the reservations.
- Clear trails in the spring and after weather events.
- Age 18 and up.
Eco Team
- Learn how to identify invasive plants and learn hands-on removal techniques.
- The season runs from the end of March through November and meets approximately every other week.
- Attend one or multiple sessions, whatever fits into your schedule.
- The team works at multiple reservations, so it is a great way to make connections across the organization.
- Fun family activity. Age 13-16 (with an adult) and up.
- Sessions are a terrific way for students to fulfill school community service hours.
Contact Lynn at HamletofLynn@gmail.com to be put on the Eco Team email list for details on the schedule and locations.
The AVIS Organization also needs volunteers
- Lead nature hikes.
- Help with the AVIS table at various community events.
- Provide pictures or articles for the AVIS newsletter.
- Help with regular mailings.
- Assist with grant writing and administration.
Email volunteer@avisandover.org if you are interested in helping AVIS and/or want more information.
Volunteer Policies
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for AVIS. Your participation, as well as the
participation of countless other volunteers, is vital to AVIS’s success. The following
policies and waiver are intended to make this volunteer experience safe and rewarding
for everyone.
Description: The Andover Village Improvement Society, AVIS, is a non-profit land trust
dedicated to land conservation. AVIS encourages the public use of our land including
passive recreation. Throughout its 125+ year history, AVIS has also encouraged
volunteer participation in clean-ups, trail construction, and maintenance of its 30
reservations. Volunteers, such as rangers, the wardens of those reservations, scouts,
college students, and others have participated in these clean-ups and have also invested
countless hours in the maintenance of trails. Trail maintenance includes such activities
as brush cutting, moving stones, and constructing wooden walkways through wet areas.
Clean-ups may involve lifting heavy and light objects, raking, picking up broken glass,
and invasive plant eradication.
Project direction: In most cases, you will work under the direction of a "work party
leader” who will be a designated AVIS volunteer who will explain the job to you and
point out areas of special concern. You are not permitted to do any work except under
the direction of and in the presence of a “work party leader”.
Only AVIS volunteers who are trained to carry out specific longer-term tasks may work
on their own without a work party leader. Examples are Wardens who maintain a
reservation, Scouts who work on approved special projects, and Eco Team who
pull invasive plants.
Tools: AVIS seeks to provide appropriate tools and gloves to carry out these tasks and
discourages the use of power tools during clean-ups. You may not use power
equipment unless authorized by your leader. Your leader may authorize you to use
power equipment if you have demonstrated competence in the use of the tool, have
knowledge of safety procedures and are equipped with appropriate safety equipment. If you are unfamiliar with the
safe and proper use of tools needed for your job, ask your
leader for assistance and do not use the tools until you have done so.
Fitness: Volunteer work often requires strenuous physical activity. AVIS cannot be
expected to be aware of, or responsible for, particular medical or physical conditions
that may create health risks for a volunteer while participating in an AVIS activity. It is
your responsibility to make sure that you are in sufficiently good physical condition to
perform the tasks for which you have volunteered without risk to your health. Under no
circumstances should you arrive for a volunteer assignment impaired by drugs or
Illness/Accidents: If you become ill or are injured while you are on duty as a volunteer
or if you should accidentally damage property or equipment or cause an injury while
performing your duties, notify your leader and appropriate authorities immediately. You
should not come to a work party if you are feeling ill or are injured, or if you have been
exposed to anybody suspected of being infected or potentially infected with the Novel
Coronavirus or having any symptoms of COVID-19.
Protection of Children: Children often participate in AVIS events, programs or activities.
AVIS’s policy is that no volunteer shall work with an unattended child without another
volunteer being present. An “unattended child” is a child under 18 who is not in the
company of a parent or other adult family member. If your volunteer assignment
involves working directly with children, AVIS may wish (but is not obligating itself) to
perform a background check from criminal history and sex offender data bases. In such
case, AVIS will ask you to supply sufficient personal information so that we may conduct
such a background check.
Hazards: Clean-ups and trail construction/maintenance activities are often carried out
on uneven terrain, often in remote locations. Injuries, including trips and falls or slips
and falls, may result. Broken glass can also cause injury. Trail
construction/maintenance or other activities may involve the use of hand tools or
power tools which can also cause injury. Invasive plants may grow amidst poison ivy
and thorny brush which can cause rash or abrasions. Protective clothing is advised.
Thank you for your support of AVIS and for your help in keeping our reservations open
to the public.
Please sign the AVIS Waiver form before volunteering for any activity.
Approved by Board Vote January 12, 2021