Wardens and AVIS Land Management Committee

The AVIS Land Management Committee runs the AVIS system of land maintenance. This work involves trail construction and clearing, trash pick up, making and installing signs, bridges, boardwalks, and other physical improvements to make our properties accessible to the public.

The key people in this system are the wardens that are responsible for the oversight of each reservation. The committee members serve as back-ups and coordinators. Please download our warden's manual for additional infromation.

If you are a reservation warden, please fill out the following form linked here.

Committee Members

Name Phone Email
David Dargie (Chairman) (978) 996-4475 david@dargie.com
Dennis Crispo (978) 858-0394 highpt@cliffhanger.com
Doug Cummings (978) 761-9183 fdouglas.cummings@gmail.com
Paul Dick (978) 475-4646 paulj.dick@gmail.com
Dick Dillon (978) 683-1775
Ken Doran (978) 302-5259 ken.doran451@gmail.com
Amy Janovsky (978) 475-8655 amy-janovsky@avisandover.org
Buzz Stapczynski (978) 804-4393 buzz.stap@gmail.com


Name Phone Email
Dennis Crispo (978) 858-0394 highpt@cliffhanger.com
Doug Cummings (978) 761-9183 fdouglas.cummings@gmail.com
Paul Dick (978) 475-4646 paulj.dick@gmail.com
Dick Dillon (978) 683-1775
Ken Doran (978) 302-5259 ken.doran451@gmail.com


Reservation Warden(s) Phone Email
Andover Highlands Shawn Burke & Monica Schnitger (978) 470-1059 welos2@hotmail.com
Baker's Meadow Evelyn Retelle (978) 475-4412 evelynretelle@gmail.com
Norbert & Darlene Ohlenbusch (978) 409-7763 norbert@9wp.com
Patrick Donahue (978) 886-6248 pjdand@comcast.net
Bonier (Richard J. Bonier) Barbara & Dave Wrightson (978) 824-2055 barb.dave.wrightson@gmail.com
Erich O'Neil 603-714-7094 erichoneil@comcast.net
Burns Seth and Janice Holden 978-475-8293 sethholden17@gmail.com
John and Ann Irza 781-640-5035 ann.irza@gmail.com
Collins Jeffrey Cary (978) 766-5263 jeffreyacary@gmail.com
Andrea Marble acmarble@gmail.com
John Marble (978) 289-3478 jmarble@gmail.com
Deer Jump

(Deer Jump / Behrakis / and Spalding - Tewksbury line to the Power lines)

Luis Medina (978) 397-6050 louismedinap@gmail.com
Mike Aiken (978) 455-6108 maaiken@protonmail.com
Russ Cannizzaro (919) 576-6109 russcann@yahoo.com
Mike Wartman (978) 475-4003 mawartman@verizon.net
Deer Jump

(Power lines to Nollet)

Carl Hayssen (978) 682-8899 chayssen@usa.net
Deer Jump

(Nollet Dr. to Launching Rd.)

Rich Bizzozero (617) 967-3077 richardbizzozero@gmail.com
Rob Candela rcandela@gmail.com
Deer Jump

(Launching Rd. to Town Land)

Chris Grobicki (508) 667-4312 chris@grobicki.com
George Stoica gstoica2001@yahoo.com
Gardner (John Gardner) Steven Colby (978) 749-0029 stevencolby@comcast.net
Goldsmith Woodlandss David Dargie (978) 996-4475 david@dargie.com
Paul Gahinet (978) 719-3600 paul.gahinet@gmail.com
Greene (Ann Rawlins Greene) Paul Dick (978) 475-4646 paulj.dick@gmail.com
Kevin Keller (978) 427-9289 kkewsk@gmail.com
Hammond Dennis Crispo (978) 858-0394 highpt@cliffhanger.com
Indian Ridge Nate Combs (978) 474-0691 nathancombs99@gmail.com
Casper Martin & Linda Woolford (978) 771-2361
David Strong (978) 580-4962 strongde@gmail.com
Keck (Peggy Keck) Tom Amirault 508-808-1393 tamirault@aol.com
Lowell and Lawrence Railroad Reservation Jonathan Bamberg (978) 944-7582 bambergtree@gmail.com
Lupine Road Floyd Greenwood (978) 470-4949 floydgreenwood4@gmail.com
Mark & Paula Bordogna paulamark@comcast.net
Lynn Landry HamletofLynn@gmail.com
North Main Street Land Craig Liversidge (978) 697-7826 cklcraig@mac.com
Purdon Emmanuel Mauricio 978-332-1884 emauriciomm@hotmail.com
Rafton (Harold R. Rafton) David Poirier & Jimmy Poirier (978) 360-2970 diamondpoir@yahoo.com
Peter Vachon (978) 809-9132 ptrvachon@yahoo.com
Sakowich Rick & Loriann Davidsen (978) 475-2901 ricknloriann@yahoo.com
Sanborn Burt Batcheller (978) 689-9596 burt.batcheller@comcast.net
Joseph Cary (617) 904-8075 jcary@sullymac.com
Bob Rauseo (978) 221-7230 bob_otter@comcast.net
Sherman (Christopher and Lillian Sherman) Emily Kearns and Henry Yoshimura (413) 348-0943 henryyoshimura@gmail.com
Walter Kimball (978) 314-7910 waltermk@verizon.net
Alan Harris (978) 985-8915 aharris197@verizon.net
Skug River Doug Cummings (978) 761-9183 fdouglas.cummings@gmail.com
Jen Ziel jenziel400@gmail.com
Smith (Nat Smith) Mike Timko (978) 681-0424 mike.timko@avisandover.org
Scott Dianis (919) 724-5053 scott.dianis@gmail.com
Shawsheen River Don Milligan (978) 475-9525 dcmill490@aol.com
Cheryl Mckeough and Tim Platt (978) 886-0722 cherylmckeough@gmail.com
Susan L. Hunt (978) 806-1304 susanlhunt@yahoo.com
Shawsheen Road Peter Vachon (978) 809-9132 ptrvachon@yahoo.com
Stanley Pat Farrell (978) 409-0270 pfarrell@andover.edu
Sunset Rock Jerry & Krista Witt (978) 474-0740 witter1@gmail.com
Ben Green 617-945-4300 ben@crossroad.us
Taft (Amy Gordon Taft) Ted Gent 978-390-2922 ted.gent@gmail.com
Mark O'Donnell (802) 233-2918 mark-1206@hotmail.com
Turtle Mound Reservation Jonathan Bamberg 978-944-7582 bambergtree@gmail.com
Bill Kolbe (978) 701-5798 wkolbe77@comcast.net
Vale Ken Doran (978) 302-5259 ken.doran451@gmail.com
West Parish Meadow Lewis Trumbore (978) 604-1184 lewistrumbore@gmail.com
Wilkinson John Lugus (978) 475-6361 jxlugus@gmail.com