Walter Kittredge, a botanist from Harvard, compiled a list of the plants present at the Keck Reservation
(You may email Walter at
He categorized the plants into:
You may download a list of all categories with either of the following links
Microsoft Excel Adobe PDFWetlands Indicator Status (WIS) |
Native/Introducted (N/I) |
OBL = Obligate wetland plant | N = Native |
FAC = Facultative plant | I = Introduced |
FACW = Facultative wetland plant | |
FACU = Facultative upland plant | |
UPL = Upland plant |
Common Name | Genus species | Family | N/I | WIS |
Clubmoss, Tree | Dendrolycopodium obscurum | LYCO | N | FACU |
Fern, Bracken | Pteridium aquilinum | DENN | N | FACU |
Fern, Christmas | Polystichum acrostichoides | DRYO | N | FACU- |
Fern, Cinnamon | Osmunda cinnamomea | OSMU | N | FACW |
Fern, Hay-scented | Dennstaedtia punctilobula | DENN | N | |
Fern, Lady | Athyrium felix-foemina | ATHY | N | FAC |
Fern, Marsh | Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens | THEL | N | OBL |
Fern, New York | Parathelypteris noveboracensis | THEL | N | FAC |
Fern, Royal | Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis | OSMU | N | OBL |
Rock Polypody | Polypodium virginianum | POLY | N |
Common Name | Genus species | Family | N/I | WIS |
Dewberry, Bristly | Rubus hispidus | ROSA | N | FACW |
Dewberry, Whiplash | Rubus flagellaris | ROSA | N | UPL |
Grape, Fox | Vitis labrusca | VITA | N | FACU |
Woodbine | Parthenocissus quinquefolia | VITA | N | FACU |