Keck Reservation: Herbaceous

Walter Kittredge, a botanist from Harvard, compiled a list of the plants present at the Keck Reservation
(You may email Walter at

He categorized the plants into:

You may download a list of all categories with either of the following links

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Keys to Abbreviations

Wetlands Indicator Status (WIS)
Native/Introducted (N/I)
OBL = Obligate wetland plant N = Native
FAC = Facultative plant I = Introduced
FACW = Facultative wetland plant
FACU = Facultative upland plant
UPL = Upland plant

Herbaceous Plants

Common Name Genus species Family N/I WIS
Avens Geum ROSA N
Bedstraw, Smooth Galium mollugo RUBI I
Bedstraw, Stiff Marsh Galium tinctorium RUBI N OBL
Bittercress, Sand Cardamine parviflora BRAS N FACU
Bluecurls, Forked Trichostema dichotomum LAMI N
Blue-eyed Grass, Strict Sisyrinchium montanum IRID N FAC
Bluets Houstonia caerulea RUBI N FACU
Buttercup, Bulbous Ranunculus bulbosus RANU I UPL
Cinquefoil, Dwarf Potentilla canadensis ROSA N
Cinquefoil, Sulphur Potentilla recta ROSA I
Clover, Hop Trifolium aureum FABA I
Clover, White Trifolium repens FABA I
Cow-wheat Melampyrum lineare OROB N
Daisy, Ox-eye Lecuanthemum vulgare ASTE I
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale ASTE I
Dock, Bitter Rumex obtusifolius PLGN I FACU-
Dogbane Apocynum androsaemifolium APOC N
Enchanter's-nightshade Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis ONAG N FACU
Evening Primrose, Little Oenothera perennis ONAG N FAC-
False Solomon's-seal Maianthemum racemosum RUSC N FACU-
Flag, Blue Iris versicolor IRID N OBL
Fleabane, Daisy Erigeron annuus ASTE N FACU
Goldenrod, Canada Solidago canadensis ASTE N FACU
Goldenrod, White Solidago bicolor ASTE N
Goldenrod, Wrinkled Solidago rugosa ASTE N FAC
Hawkweed, Mouse-ear Hieracium pilosella ASTE I
Indian Cucumber-root Medeola virginiana LILI N
Indian-pipe Monotropa uniflora ERIC N FACU-
Jack-in-the-Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum ARAC N FACW
Knotweed, Japanese Fallopia japonica PLGN I FACU-
Loosestrife, Purple Lythrum salicaria LYTH I FACW+
Loosestrife, Swamp Lysimachia terrestris MYRS N OBL
Loosestrife, Whorled Lysimachia quadrifolia MYRS N
Mayflower Maianthemum canadense RUSC N FAC-
Milkweed, Common Asclepias syriaca APOC N
Mouse-ear Chickweed Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare CARY I
Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris ASTE I
Mustard, Garlic Alliaria petiolata BRAS I
Nettle, Stinging Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis URTI N
Nightshade, Climbing Solanum dulcamara SOLA N FAC-
Partrideberry Mitchella repens RUBI N FACU
Pink, Deptford Atocion armeria CARY I
Plantain, Narrowleaf Plantago lanceolata PLAN I
Selfheal Prunella vulgaris LAMI N FACU+
Sheep Sorrel Rumex acetosella PLGN I
Shinleaf Pyrola ERIC N
Skunk Cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus ARAC N OBL
Speedwell, Common Veronica officinalis PLAN I
Speedwell, Corn Veronica arvensis PLAN I
Speedwell, Field Veronica agrestis PLAN I
Stichwort, Grassleaf Stellaria graminea CARY N FACU-
Thistle Cirsium ASTE
Touch-me-not Impatiens capensis BALS N FACW
Twinflower Trientalis borealis MYRS N FAC
Vetch, Bird Vicia cracca FABA I
Violet, Hooded Blue Viola soraria VIOL N FAC-
Violet, Marsh Blue Viola cucullata VIOL N FACW+
Violet, Northern White Viola macloskeyi ssp. pallens VIOL N OBL
Wild Indigo Baptisia tinctoria FABA N
Wild Oats Uvularia sessilifolia UVUL N FACU-
Windflower Anemone quinquefolia RANU N FACU
Wintercress Barbarea vulgaris BRAS I
Wood Sorrel, Yellow Oxalis stricta OXAL N UPL
Yarrow Achillea millefolia ASTE I
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